8 top things you must know about Asthma

Asthma is a frequent long-term inflammatory disease of the small airways inside the lungs. It is characterized by recurring signs, reversible obstruction of airway flow and bronchospasm, causing the appearance of wheezing, chest tightness, coughing, and breath shortness. 


The frequency of these episodes is variable depending on how much the body is exposed to trigger factors and the quality of disease control, these episodes may occur a few times a day or a few times per month.
Here are the top 8 things you must know about this common respiratory disease that concerns more than 24 million people in the U.S. only and more than 334 million people in the whole world:

Asthma is a brusque killer
Even if it seems banal to the majority of people, each day 11 people die from it in the U.S. and hundreds do around the world, thus asthma should not be underestimated, a medical supervision is necessary to ensure the adequate therapeutic measures.

Asthma has no age
It can occur at any age and last a lifetime. Asthma can also be occasional – triggered by cigarette smoke, exercise, allergies, or pregnancy.
Symptoms may become more sever with age due to pulmonary remodeling and association with other age-related diseases, but always keep in mind that asthma has no specific age to appear.

Asthma is a CHRONIC disease
It is true that the immune system modifies itself throughout the lifetime, and the asthma will, too. Signs may mitigate and go into remission, but the hazard of lung inflammation remains and often reappears in middle age, especially as a response to hormonal modifications. 

The majority of asthma cases are not as well controlled as they think
If you utilize your quick-relief bronchodilator inhaler more than twice a week, wake up with asthma signs more than two times a month or replenish your bronchodilator more than two times a year, your asthma is not under control as you may think, talk to your doctor about adapting the treatment plan to your case.

Asthma medications are not addictive or destructive
The corticosteroids used as background treatment are not the same as damaging anabolic steroids, moreover, these corticosteroids -used via the inhaling way- stay in the lungs with an insignificant passage to blood mainstream, thus the side effects of corticosteroid log-term usage do not take place. 

Asthma and exercise are not enemies as people think!
An asthmatic may need to premedicate before exercising and spend more time warming up and cooling down, in order to avoid a sudden immune reaction, which may trigger an asthma crisis. But reinforcing your respiratory and cardiovascular systems is an advantageous option to supplant asthma and ameliorate your pulmonary capacity.

Asthma and allergies may be seen as “two faces of the same coin”
Exposure to allergens (thinks that trigger allergy) – such as pollen, pet dander, cigarette smoke and dust mites – induces lung inflammation and generates coughing and wheezing. So the control of allergens through avoidance, medication or immunotherapy becomes crucial to control asthma.

Asthma is a common disease, but to each his own
Each person's asthma is specific and will respond to allergens and treatments specifically. Don’t feel ashamed to discuss with your doctor about your condition, talk with him about your symptoms and medications, how effective you feel they are and if he should consider different treatments.

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