What you need to know about your health as an adult

During childhood, everything seems to be under control, not because you are in charge of your wellness, but because you are supervised by your parents who can scarify anything for your wellbeing and happiness.
When you are a child, you can enjoy nap times, you can eat whatever you want without feeling judgment, and your caregivers drive you to your medical appointments.
 Nevertheless, now that you are an adult -even though you don’t feel it- everything has changed, the untroubled days of not keeping track of your physical or dental cleaning are gone, instead of that you are in charge of your own wellbeing, and it’s crucial to keep tracks on each component in order to keep a healthy body and mind.
Below are some clarifications of health information that you should know, because -obviously- you are an adult citizen.
Yes, you need to work out regularly
It doesn’t matter how you prefer to work out, what matters is that you are exercising. Exercise doesn’t only promote a healthy body, but also a healthy mind. Research suggests moving -even if it’s just going for a walk- can lead to improved mood, reduced risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and so on.
Manage your stress
You are not a child anymore, congratulations! Now, you must deal with adulthood buster: stress. For some people it is about practicing relaxation, for others it’s calling their loved person. What suits you to manage your stress is also what is best for your wellness. Several researches suggest that too much stress can trigger and aggravate numerous diseases like heart problems, diabetes, immune system deficiencies and other health conditions. 
Your blood type
A small knowledge about your blood type means you have an insight into your own health. Several studies suggest that certain groups (blood types) may be associated to increased risks for conditions like genetic disorders, heart disease and so on. Also knowing your blood type can save your life during a Traffic collision, considering that the time needed to determine your group and to find a suitable donor is always the difference between life and death during traffic hemorrhage, with this information in your head, emergency staff will waste no time to determine your blood type, making it a lot easier for blood transfusion. 
Little knowledge about your family medical history
A roadmap of your genetic background is a key information to know for yourself, so you can be alarmed what signs and symptoms to look for in yourself. Did your grandmother or grandfather have diabetes? Did you grandmother have Breast cancer? Did your uncles have a genetic disorder? Any knowledge about you family medical history is useful knowledge. This is particularly important if you are seeking a new doctor. Health care providers will ask if there’s a history of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and mental health problems at your first appointment, so it is better to be ready.
Understand your moles
Nevus, familiarly called a mole, a usually benign (but sometimes malignant) chronic growth on human skin, typically with darker pigment. A dermatologist can practice a full body scan in order to map and make sure everything checks out is normal. The more familiar you are with your skin, the more likely you are to detect and speak up when you remark changes about a nevus: modification of its symmetry, border irregularity, color variegation, diameter > 6 mm, and noticeable evolution (ABCDE criteria).
Keep track of your breast health
Self examinations are the easiest and the most comfortable way to catch breast cancer early. As an adult woman, you should be periodically checking for lumps or anything that seems abnormal starting in your twenties, according to the American Cancer Society. 
There are different severity levels of allergies, which can range from mild to serious. In addition, you can develop some allergies later in life, so it is not a specific childhood disease! It’s recommended to check in with your doctor to make sure your immune system is still okay with your new pet or the outdoor pollen and pollution. Staying on top of which allergens, foods,  medications and other triggers cause an allergic reaction can be life saving. 
Your health insurance
The terminology alone used by health insurance companies can make your head spin. Take your time to immerse yourself in the basic rules and features of your health insurance plan. This will make things a lot easier when you are looking for a doctor, and less astonishing when it is time to pay for the appointment.
Vaccines that you have received
I hope that you answer this question by saying: “all of them.” A quick understanding of your vaccine history is not only important for you to know, but it’s also crucial information for your health care provider so they know when to administer an original dosage or a booster. Some infectious illnesses like meningitis can be deadly to adults, but nowadays they are completely preventable with a simple vaccine.

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