Simple tips to protect yourself and the others from novel Corona virus

As you may have already noticed, The 2020 corona virus pandemic makes the headline of each media around the globe, for the simple reason; it is the devastating  pandemic of the century, spreading rapidly through countries and paralyzing the sanitary systems.

The outbreak was first noticed in Wuhan, Hubei province, China, in December 2019. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak to be a Public Health Emergency 30 January 2020 and recognized it as a pandemic on 11 March 2020, as of 9April 2020, more than 1.52  million cases of COVID-19 have been reported all over the world, resulting in approximately 89,400 deaths.
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-COVID19) has spread like wild fire across the world, and the World Health Organization WHO has recommended several precautions and various measures, for individuals, countries and governments.
You, also, should be concerned and endorse the fact that you are engaged in the fight against COVID19, here are some simple steps to protect yourself and limit the spread of the novel coronavirus to others.
Understand the challenges, keep track of the coronavirus pandemic, especially in your country
COVID-19, like other infections, affects preferentially people with a weakened or perturbed immune system; including older adults, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases as asthma and HIV, and people with underlying conditions like heart disease, lung disease and diabetes. 
The majority of people will have only mild symptoms (or no symptoms at all) from COVID-19, adults who are healthy and active generally do the best, but part of the problem is that these young, healthy people can spread the virus to people who will not tolerate it as, thus the importance of knowing the characteristics of this disease to fight it in the best way.
Keep tracking the new information about COVID-19 and last updates from reliable resources (WHO, Departments of national health, etc) to ensure optimal understanding of the situation and the effectiveness of your measures.

Remember to wash frequently your hands
Washing your hands frequently and CORRECTLY is a major component to fight coronavirus, because hands are the fertile reservoir of different viruses and bacteria, including coronavirus, according different studies, the virus can survive for hours on unwashed hands. Therefore measures that you can do to prevent any respiratory illness is to practice good personal hygiene.
Washing your hands correctly; using soap (any type of soap) and water and washing for at least 30 seconds, or using hand sanitizer when soap and water aren't accessible, still stands as the best way to prevent the extend of infectious diseases and COVID-19.
Avoid touching your face
It is easier said than done, especially if you know that the human being touches the face dozens of times per hour, People touch their faces habitually; they wipe their eyes, scratch their noses and bite their nails, they touch their faces more when they are anxious or stressed, but also when they aren’t feeling anything at all and they are just bored.
The face, specifically the eyes, nose and mouth, is a key route of transmission for the novel coronavirus. It can be spread via droplets that are expelled in the air and contaminate different surfaces and daily objects that you manipulate; cellphones, door handles, keys and elevators.
Keep track on your hands and minimize all triggers that may cause touching your face unconsciously, if you can do it, at least wash your hands before putting it on your face.

Stay home!

The WHO, The CDC, different governments and healthcare systems are all advising people to stay home as much as possible. Clearly, some people don't have the capacity of working from home, and all people -at some point- need to venture out to grocery stores.
But when you don’t have an urgent necessity to go out and you can stay home, do so! It helps by minimizing chances of transmitting (or receiving) the virus and reducing the number of sick people at the same time, this concept is called: flattening the curve

Social distancing

Social distancing is a key element to decrease asymptomatic spread of novel corona virus, it works by reducing your hazard of being exposed to the virus and -if you are an asymptomatic carrier, you diminish the potential that you infect other people, in other words, It minimizes the contact between potentially infected individuals and healthy individuals.
You should keep always a space of 2 meters between you and the others, avoid crowded places, wear disposable face mask when you are going for grocery and do not shake hands or make close contact with other people.

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