Who doesn’t like the smell of fresh-made coffee
in the morning, with fried eggs and newspaper? Well, if you crave coffee -like
millions around the globe, the several benefits of coffee that have been the
topic of a lot of news reports lately have certainly emphasized your
Coffee “dislikers” may say it is just black
water with caffeine and strong smell, but an important number of researches
have shown that coffee has components richness, many crucial health benefits
beyond the usual morning caffeine dose.
This humble article will discuss some health
benefits of coffee, without further do, let’s get into it and see how coffee
can positively affect your body and mind!
Coffee boosts your energetic
levels and even makes you smarter
Well, as you certainly know that, coffee helps people around the globe feel
less tired and improve their energy and concentration levels, all that is
possible because it contains a strong stimulant called caffeine, which is the
most consumed psychoactive substance in the whole world.
After you ingest a coffee cup, the caffeine goes into your bloodstream and
acts on your nervous system blocking the inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine,
at this moment, the amount of other neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine
increases, causing an energetic rush of neurons.
Several studies carried on in humans showed that coffee ameliorates multiple
aspects of brain function; concentration, memory, mood, vigilance, reaction
times and general nervous functions.
Not only mentally but
also physically
This magical molecule -Caffeine- stimulates your whole nervous system, ordering
fat cells to break down body fat for physical usage, and with the increase of
adrenaline levels in blood, the result is an excellent preparation of your body
for intense physical exertion.
Given all these effects, it is unsurprising that caffeine can improve
physical performance by 11–12% on average, thus you may consider having a cup
of coffee about half an hour before you go to the gym.
Coffee consumers
may have stronger DNA
You hear a lot that “you are what you eat”,
but when it comes to the genetic level, coffee is the perfect example for that.
A study on coffee in Biophysical Journal
(1972) found that caffeine molecules tend to bind to broken DNA, which occurs repeatedly
when there is a natural or chemical change in the strand.
Coffee drinkers have DNA with considerable
stronger integrity since their white blood cells showed far less instance of
spontaneous DNA strand breakage.
The study showed also that if caffeine is
present during the formation of DNA, it could cause breaks in the chromosomes,
explaining why pregnant women are advised not to drink coffee.
Increase your
fiber intake
Brewed coffee is particularly “rich” in
fibers; a single cup represents a significant contribution of up to 1.8 grams
of fiber ( if you consider the recommended daily intake of 20-38 grams).
Brewed coffee contains essentially soluble
fiber, the roughage found in oatmeal and apples that assists digestion, boosts
the body absorption of vital nutrients and keeps cholesterol at lower levels.
Say goodbye to body
No wonder why caffeine is found in every marketable fat-burning supplement
— but for good reason! It is one of the essential natural substances
scientifically proven to aid fat burning (as we’ve explained above).
Multiple studies show that caffeine can improve your basic metabolic rate
by 3–11%, increase fat burning by as much as 10% in obese individuals and 30%
in lean people.
It improves
also your social relations
You can go by a workplace without finding a
coffee-vending machine; a famous study published in the Journal of
Psychopharmacology showed that workplaces that consume coffee have a more
positive view of self-esteem and others than do workers or workspaces that do
not consume coffee.
Several nutrients are contained in coffee beans making their way into the
finished brewed coffee.
For instance, a single cup of coffee contains: vitamin B2, vitamin B3,
vitamin B5, Manganese and potassium, even you think this may not be a big deal;
most people enjoy multipe cups per day — allowing these amounts to add up
Type 2 diabetes is a serious health problem -especially in developed countries,
currently affecting millions of people around the world, it’s characterized by
a chronic elevation of blood sugar level caused by insulin resistance and a
significant disturbance insulin secretion.
For a reason or another, coffee drinkers have a significantly reduced risk
of type 2 diabetes; studies show that people who drink regularly coffee have a
25 –50% lower risk of developing this endocrinal disease, the main reason is
not proven yet, but you can now enjoy coffee knowing that it helps avoiding
Alzheimer's disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease and the
leading cause of dementia worldwide, followed by the other serious neurodegenerative
disease: Parkinson’s disease.
These conditions usually affect old people over 50, without an established reason,
yet, there are several things you can do to prevent the disease from occurring
in the first place.
This -of course- includes eating healthy, keeping your mind healthy and
exercising, but drinking coffee may be incredibly effective as well; some
studies showed that coffee drinkers have up to a 65% lower risk of Alzheimer's
Coffee and decaffeinated coffee lowered the
liver enzyme levels for coffee drinkers. Coffee may be an effective
protector against cirrhosis — people who drink 4 or more cups per day have up
to an 80% lower risk as shown in several studies.
The human liver is a magical organ that carries out several functions, and
thus making it a target for multiple diseases including hepatitis, fatty liver disease,
cirrhosis, secondary tumor metastasis and many others.
It may lower the stroke risk and general heart disease risk
Some people usually complain how caffeine
can increase your blood pressure which is a bad thing for your health, this is
true, but with a small rise of only 3 mm/Hg, the effect is small and usually disappears
if you drink coffee frequently
That being said, studies don’t
support the common idea that coffee consumption raises your risk of heart
disease, on the contrary, there is some evidence that people who drink coffee
have a reduced risk.